H-Afrteach Discussion Network


Metzler, John (Michigan State University / List Editor) / Page, Melvin / List Editor) / Randolph, Bre / Review Editor)

H-AfrTeach is an "online discussion list concerning teaching about Africa. H-AfrTeach is open to educators, students, and others with an interest in teaching about Africa at all educational levels.[...] Basic questions concerning teaching issues and resources are encouraged, as is the dissemination and discussion of syllabi and course materials, bibliographies, listings of new teaching resources, library resource information, and reviews of books, films, and video, as well as software, datasets, CD-ROMs, and other electronic information relevant to the study of Africa. In addition, H-AfrTeach also publishes announcements of conferences, scholarships, fellowships, and other opportunities for teachers in and about Africa."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Michigan State University: East Lansing, US (MI) <http://www.msu.edu/>




United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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